
Welcome to Jeremy Francis Sam’s emporium of literature, a showcase for the written form across poetry, novels and short stories. So who is Jeremy? Well really a relative ‘nobody’ amongst the giants and even pygmies of literature but at heart someone who has a passion for the medium of the written word and has been an amateur writer for over thirty years. On this site you’ll find samples of his work, inspired by the likes of Shakespeare, Yeats, Caesar (yes, he was a prolific author albeit in the service of his own political promotion), Cicero and others. But what about anyone who is more than just ancient dust and bones, you may well ask? Well, they’re muses too, but too numerous to call out.

We’ll endeavour to regularly publish new works as they’re completed or come to life (some still being buried in dusty archives in long neglected libraries). Enjoy (hopefully)!

Copyright All Rights Reserved 2021 – Jeremy Francis Sams