Creature of the Night

I am a creature of the Night,
Blood shot eyes and fetid breath,
Pallid skin, more dead than alive,
Sleep alludes me, as does rest,
I stumble through the day, 
Waiting for the terror of the night,
An endless cycle that I cannot break.

I stalk the streets, the houses and woods,
I move so fast, so fleet of wing,
I alight where fancy takes me,
In the dark alley, in your blackened room,
Watching but never seen,
A shadow, or a rustle of the wind,
You’ll never catch me, never see me,
But you know me and fear me,
I’ve been with you since the dawn of time.

I come so close, you feel my breath,
I see the hairs on the back of your neck,
A shiver runs down your spine,
You sense my presence but brush it off,
I’m gone before temptation claims me,
What is this creature that I am, 
Trapped between heaven and hell,
A fallen Angel no longer in grace,
Purgatorial chains keep me in place.