The Old People’s Home

I drift in and out of sleep,
Happy memories mingle with the sun’s warm rays,
My life before me like a kaleidoscope,
How many happy lives have I led,
How many warm human beings I have fed,
What woman could ask for more,
I leave behind a legacy of life.

The yellow light and warmth blazes,
I am engulfed,
It won’t be long now. 

Echoes of the dear departed,
Growing louder, faces beaming,
I am being welcomed home, 
Yet I can’t let go, why must I awake,
Grab me, pull me harder to your dear embrace. 

I finally float, rather than feebly swim,
The current of warmth and delight;
 Takes me to my journey’s end.
There they are,
Gentle hands lowering me down,
Now I am one with those I lost,
And one day will be one with those I leave.